
TEAM Abu-Bakr 14

TEAM Balal 6


Thursday Night Football Report: - 19th October 2023


Team Abu-Bakr 14 - 6 Team Balal


Team Abu-Bakr:

Abu-Bakr Taran Lindlay Jahangir Adam Toki Gohir


Team Balal:

Balal Faz Shaun Alex Sami Rahil Has


Players Picked First: Faz & Taran


Captain to Pick First: Balal


Late Player To Pitch: Sami, Balal, Alex, Shaun


Players Sin Binned:


FA Referee on Duty: Gheorghe


Captains selected their teams at pitch side, with Team Balal looking stronger from the onset…


Team Abu-Bakr Formation: 3-2-1


     Adam Jahangir Gohir

        Taran Abu-Bakr



Team Balal Formation: 3-2-1


          Sami Balal Alex

             Has Shaun 



Both Teams having a rotating keeper for game…


Both captains choosing similar formation for the best utilisation of players...


Goal Scorers for Team Abu-Bakr







Goal Scorers for Team Balal:





Player Rating:


Team Abu-Bakr

Abu-Bakr 8

Lindlay.    8

Taran       8

Jahangir  8

Adam       8

Toki          8

Gohir        8


Team Balal:

Balal         6

Faz           6

Alex          7

Has.         5.5

Rahil.       5.5

Sami.       5.5

Shaun.     6


Congratulations to Team Abu-Bakr for an amazing team performance. Total football at times from Lindlay, Abu-Bakr and Taran.


Special Mentions: Lindlay (MOTM) great debut in a full attacking display…Abu-Bakr immense as a captain and midfield/attacking role…Taran solid today in the middle of the park…


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